The Third Party Law

In this class you will learn:
- The real underlying cause of all human quarrels and conflicts.
- Why some conflicts can seem so difficult—if not impossible—to fully resolve.
- The precise tools you need to find out who has been stirring things up—and why this discovery opens the door to resolving any conflict.
It seems that people often have trouble getting along together. Families argue, neighbors come to blows, countries lob weapons at each other.
Is this the way it has to be?
Anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists and others say it is. Having observed a long history of Man’s quarrelsome behavior, they claim that Man has animal instincts, or that he is anti-social and violent by his very nature.
In truth, Man is rather peaceful. But he can be driven, individually and collectively, to hatred and violence.
In researching the causes of violence, L. Ron Hubbard unearthed a fundamental and natural law of human relations which explains why conflicts between people are so often difficult to remedy. And he provided an immensely valuable tool that enables one to resolve any conflict, be it between neighbors, co-workers or even countries.
In this class, you will discover how to help others resolve their differences and restore peaceable relations.
Peace and harmony between men can be more than just a dream.
Widespread application of this law will make it a reality.
This class can be done over and over again to help anyone apply the information successfully.