Targeting of Statistics and Quotas

In this class you will learn:
- How statistics can be a game changer for the productivity for your business.
- What you can do to get your whole company focused around production.
- How to ensure you are constantly expanding, in your business, or in life.
- How a manager can see who is doing their job and who is not.
- How to ensure your organization is continuously expanding.
Say you are a company owner, and the workload is increasing to the point that it’s time to hire employees. So you hire them. Now what? What do you give them to work on? How do you make sure they are doing their jobs without micromanaging them?
The answer is in the targeting of statistics and quotas.
If your business is run off statistics, you will ensure that your organization continues to expand. You will have a happy and productive work environment.
There is a multitude of information about running a company in our business world and it can be very confusing. Let’s bring it back to stability by being focused on production. The information learned in this course will help you do just that.
In researching how organizations work, L. Ron Hubbard stumbled upon an organizational technology that takes the mystery out of managing any group, including companies. He discovered an exact series of actions that bring prosperity to any business. These are tools that can also be applied to one’s life. Thousands of business owners all over the world use this technology to reach their business goals.
In this class, you will discover a basic tool that can be easily implemented to bring your company, job, or personal life to a higher level.
Financial freedom, prosperity, and success are more that just a dream.
The widespread application of this technology will make it a reality.
This class can be done over and over again to help anyone apply the information successfully.