Rewards and Penalties
In this class you will learn:
- What happens when you reward non-production.
- What happens when you penalize production.
- An exact process for inspiring more production from those around you.
- How to detect people who are working against you – and what to do about it.
- What was behind the decline and fall of every great civilization on this planet – and what it has to do with your job or business.
Why do people, businesses, governments, or even societies fail?
We have all heard (or perhaps even personally experienced) examples of a worker with years of loyal service to a company losing out on a promotion because the boss’s young relative – with no or questionable work experience – got it instead.
Similarly, what of the “company culture” that relies on rumor, personality or favors (rather than competence and production) to reward projects or even higher pay?
Or the hard-working small-business owner who, after decades of toiling under excessive taxation and tariffs, finally sees no reward for his 16-hour days and gives up, abandoning his staff, his customers and his community?
You can even see this on a grander scale with a social system wherein the members of a society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed (or who even refuse to work) are supported with goods and services paid for by the wealth of the most productive in the society.
Where will this end?
How does anyone navigate through these challenges?
The answers to these questions are contained within this class.
In researching the rise and fall of civilizations, L. Ron Hubbard unearthed an unknown, overlooked or ignored natural law that can be can be applied by anyone in any circumstance to create not only increased fairness – but increased prosperity for all.
In this class, you will learn what you need to do to improve your own personal success and prosperity.
If you are a business owner you will learn to use this fundamental principle in choosing who to hire, who to fire, and who to promote – or not.
A flourishing business is not just dream.
It is the backbone to today’s economy – and a prosperous and thriving culture.
Widespread application of this information will make it a reality.
This class can be done over and over again to help anyone apply the information successfully.