Battle Plans

In this class you will learn:
- How to competently envision, plan and execute your company’s goals.
- The correct actions to take to increase productivity.
- What a battle plan is and how you can use it in every part of your life.
We have all seen examples of people who graduate from a specialty school (medical, law, the arts) and though they have the knowledge of their specialty, they are lacking real-life business know-how to run and grow their company.
Or what about the ambitious person who has the dream of opening a new business, but can’t actually make it happen?
There is also one’s personal life where one may have tasks piling up and their house in disarray.
The answer to these difficulties and more lies in one’s ability to accurately plan.
A sound vision, with the knowledge of how to put the steps in place to make it happen, will bring prosperity to any job, company, organization, or household.
L.Ron Hubbard wrote a vast number of references on the subject of running an organization, and the piece of it covered in this class has helped thousands of people lead successful and happier lives.
You will discover how to actually reach your goals.
Your vision and purpose can be more than just a dream.
This class can be done over and over again to help anyone apply the information successfully.