Policy Reference shorts Now Available

Policy Reference shorts Now Available

Hubbard Administrative Technology  provides the know-how to effectively address and resolve all aspects of administration, but these principles are applicable to other areas of life as well. Now available are shorts based on Hubbard Administrative Technology Policies. These shorts are attractively designed and are priced so they can be easily obtained and used to introduce all your friends and family to the workability and usefulness you have come to expect from Hubbard Administrative Technology. Each short addresses a key policy reference and presents it in an easy-to-follow format which includes a glossary of terms and in many cases, pertinent supporting references to ensure full understanding and applicability. The following shorts are available for immediate delivery at $5.00 each plus sales tax: The Conditions FormulasStrategic Planning and The Third Party Law, all of which are shown above. The short Rewards and Penalties is also available for pre-release ordering right now at $5.00 each plus sales tax and orders placed by Dec 7th will be available before Dec 23, 2011. There are many more titles available for pre-order at $5.00 each plus sales tax as well — these are listed below:

  • A Model Hat for an Executive
  • Accounts and PRO
  • An Essay on Management
  • And That is Banking
  • Economic Systems
  • Economics
  • Exchange, Org Income and Staff Pay
  • Fundamentals of Admin
  • How to Maintain Credit Standing and Solvency
  • Leadership
  • Money and Exchange
  • Not-Dones, Half-Dones and Backlogs
  • Order vs. Disorder
  • Production and One’s Standard of Living
  • Reality of Products
  • Squirrel Administration
  • Standard Administration
  • The Responsibilities of Leaders
  • Vital Data on Promotion

These shorts are ready for production and will be produced according to your demand for them. Contact Hubbard College today and let us know which shorts you would like to pre-order and these will get produced right away. So you can get them for all the people on your holiday gift list!